As Buggs Buddy I think I am in the best position to say this: State Assemblyman William Barclay’s knee-jerk reactions and absurd press releases are making him look like Wile E. Coyote trying to chase down the one he will never catch, Doug Hoffman, the one who looks more and more like the Road Runner speeding to victory in NY-23.
Tonight Barclay became the newest looney tune running for federal office when he issued an attack on Doug Hoffman. Barclay’s expensive new media consultant, rumored to be former unknown Congressman Fred J. Eckert of Eagle Communications, e-mailed the statement tonight at 8:16 pm to multiple news outlets.
In the release Barclay reveals his desperation by “urging” Doug Hoffman to renounce the idea of Ron Paul running for President in 2012. Not that Hoffman has any connection to the idea after having been endorsed by several other potential 2012 presidential hopefuls including: Governor George Pataki, Governor Sarah Palin, Senator Fred Thompson, Congressman Mike Pence, Governor Tim Pawlenty and others, but it is kind of silly to read Barclay’s disunity rant.
If you read between the lines of everything that Barclay sends out (the stuff that comes in complete sentences at least) all you find is negativity and knee-jerk reactions. It’s the kind of stuff that fills the Assembly Chamber in Albany where Barclay was infected with this vitriolic incumbent disease I like to call “Albany insider-osis.”
The positive press attention Doug Hoffman received from the Syracuse paper, National Review Online, several prominent Republican bloggers and the Washington Times, has clearly demoralized the Barclay camp. But to Barclay’s credit at least he realizes the need to do something to shake up this race quickly. He can only get away with being the guy who lost Republican control of the State Senate, to Darrel Aubertine, for so long without losing people’s attention.
However, the fact that Barclay chose to attack Ron Paul instead of (oh… I don’t know) Bill Owens or Barack Obama speaks volumes about what kind of Republican he is – a Republican of disunity, a looney tune Republican. Barclay’s attacks are a function of four key things that all voters should consider.
First, Barclay is consumed with the idea of purging Republicans instead of beating the Democrats in 2010. What Barclay doesn’t understand is that his recent call for a unity pledge in NY-23 was completely undermined when his next move was to call for a purge of any fellow Republican who he disagrees with on one particular issue. In this case it is Ron Paul’s opposition to the War in Iraq. Next week it will be his opposition to Tim Pawlenty’s position of being pro-life. The week after that it will be something else absurd. The real question is: why does Barclay want to make the GOP smaller instead of uniting Republicans of all stripes behind a common goal like winning back the House in 2010?
Second, Barclay’s focus on the 2012 presidential elections shows his priorities are in the wrong place. He should be focused on winning in 2010 and bringing prosperity and economic growth back to NY-23. Barclay’s attacks are a distraction from his lack of solutions and focus on what people really care about today: better jobs, lower taxes, less spending, more credit, improved education and market-based solutions to health care.
Third, Barclay’s attacks are a sign of desperation. Doug Hoffman has the lead on money raised, grassroots support, national endorsements, online media, local press, an organized campaign team and about every other metric that could possibly be used to judge a candidates viability in a Republican primary.
Finally, Barclay’s release was absurd on its face. To insinuate that Doug Hoffman is weak on terrorism is pretty lame. After all, Barclay never spent any time in the military. Hoffman has. Hoffman’s campaign website is clear on this issue.
“We are past the point of pointing fingers over how we got to where we are in Iraq and Afghanistan. The question for us now is where do we go from here? I believe we must continue to try and turn the security and governing of Iraq over to the Iraqis. I also believe we need to continue to go after the terrorist strongholds and training bases wherever they are located. The war against terror is not over and the terrorists’ goal remains the destruction of the United States and our way of life. We must never forget this fact.”
Hoffman understands the threats we face and is committed to being a strong defender of American interests. Unlike Barclay, Hoffman was never fed by a silver spoon and he wasn’t an heir to political power like Barclay was from his father’s hard effort. Unlike Barclay, Hoffman had to make something of himself. And Hoffman is the only candidate who has military experience. That is something that military families in Fort Drum will recognize and it is an insult that Barclay would attack a veteran with such vitriol.
Barclay should apologize for throwing other people under the bus to further his own political future. Barclay does not have a campaign that can win. It could have been, but it is evolving into a campaign in desperation mode, running out of fuel. And for that reason we are moving him back to the third tier of candidates with the rest of the other looney tunes.
If Hoffman does get the nod and loses again, what will all of his supporters say then? "We should have known better than to nominate the man who already lost to the incumbent." I can't wait to see all the second guessing in November if NY-23 is dumb enough to nominate this man.
ReplyDeleteWhat would the GOP say if Barclay lost to Owens in the fall.
ReplyDeleteThe guy is a proven loser already having lost to Dumb Darrel Aubertine. That would sure be pretty embarrassing.
The GOP has yet to give Doug Hoffman a chance. If they go with Barclay and he loses the GOP would be crippled at every level across the district.
Basically, the way I see it is that Barclay will do or say anything to get elected. He puts forth a bogus Republican UNITY pledge... only to issue a DISUNITY press release beating up on a 2008 presidential candidate.
ReplyDeleteWho does this guy think he is? The Chairman of the Republican Party?
Well, I'm fairly convinced that this blog is run by Doug Hoffman's campaign - thank you Mayor Graham for being the first person to insinuate such.
ReplyDeleteHoffman is a complete fool and even you Buggs know it. That's why you had to put out this knee jerk response because even you know that the media will report that press release and hopefully ask your candidate why he supports a loon like Ron Paul.
And, last time I checked Buggs, Barclay and Doheny have both signed the Unity pledge saying they'll support he winner of the GOP primary. They're not hijacking anything, just asking for a fair fight. Why, if your candidate is so confident doesn't he do the same Buggs? What's he got to lose? He'll gain the support and good will of both candidates and their supporters.
What if the Independence Party said they're supporting Will Barclay right now? I'm sure Will would toss their support to whoever wins the GOP primary should he come up short. Only you Buggs and your buddy Mike Long are hijacking the election and not letting us, THE PEOPLE, decide for ourselves.
What's up NY-23 just lost all credibility with me...not that an anonymous blog had much to begin with. Mayor Graham is where I get my news.
Oh, Bugg's now you have to approve all comments...BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING NOW. HAHA, what a joke you've become in one night. If you can't keep up Buggs get out of the blogosphere - filtering comments. Now that's not very American of you...what is happening to our freedom of speech.
ReplyDeleteBuggs - the funniest line in your blog post today is this one:
ReplyDelete"He [Barclay] can only get away with being the guy, who lost Republican control of the State Senate, to Darrel Aubertine for so long without losing people’s attention."
Thanks for my midnight laugh! I needed that to sleep better tonight.
Filtering comments...Bugg's, Bugg's Bugg' that's just unAmerican and unbecoming of such a wascally wabbit.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Buggs in what is simply a reaction to Barclay's disunity message.
ReplyDeleteFor the anonymous comments previous, I think Buggs is filtering comments because some people said some of the Barclay staffers were putting up pretty outrageous things about Matt Doheny's personal life that were just untrue and over the top. At least Buggs isn't letting the debate turn into the kind of garbage personal attacks Barclay leveled against Aubertine in his FAILED bid to win an open state senate race.
Maybe some of those comments were coming from Hoffman's campaign pointed at Doheny? Just maybe...nah, not good ol' Doug. He wouldn't be concerned about a guy who's just as Conservative as him and has the ability to out fund Hoffman by himself.
ReplyDeleteWake up people...
Good God, you people arguing on the internet after midnight. My wife said I had to check this out...I think Barclay brings up a good point though - CPAC supporting Ron Paul is problematic. I hope Hoffman will come out and say that he doesn't agree with that poll. It makes us all look foolish.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I do have to say 12:12 that Aubertine was horribly negative toward Barclay in that Senate race. I lived through it, bearly. It was messy, but the Senate Democrats really raked Will and his family over the coals pretty hard. Shouldn't feel bad for him, that's politics, but it goes both ways and has no relevance on this race.
Now, go to bed children.
One poll everyone can rally around is the one that showed Doheny at 1%. Lets go for the guy who is in 4th place.... hahahahaha. It's Barclay v. Hoffman. I think Hoffman has a pretty big edge and will continue to have an edge if Barclay keeps putting up garbage like this.
ReplyDeleteI don't know $600K isn't anything to laugh about. I'd be taking Doheny pretty seriously...and last time I checked Buggs yourself took the first shot at Matt.
ReplyDelete12:25 - I'm so tired of Hoffman touting the poll he PAID to conduct. We've seen no independent polling on this race so it's anyone's best guess where it stands. Doheny has the resources to get more than 1 percent name recognition and Buggs, as Hoffman's campaign typing piece knows it. Thus he's gotta destroy Doheny, just as he took a shot at Barclay tonight.
ReplyDeleteThis politics thing is easy.
12:25pm - are you an idiot? Clearly. That poll is a joke. Hoffman was the only guy who ran in 2009. He is the only one with any name recognition. OF COURSE he would win a poll done today, before anyone has even announced they are running in 2010. Sometimes I fear that the 23rd district is getting populated with less intelligent people as the years go by and you are proving that point. Please try to think and be smart. Come on.
ReplyDelete12:16am - I too love the assumption that the attacks on Doheny MUST be from Barclay. Hoffman clearly has such strong character that he would never stoop so low. Ha. Funny. Give me a break. Maybe, just maybe, they are actually not from any campaign staffers...I can't imagine campaign staffers are wasting time on this blog, but maybe I am wrong.
ReplyDeleteI just noted that Will Barclay was moved to the third tier with Matt Doheny and the second tier is empty. That makes so sense. Even if the front runner (who according to this Hoffman sight, is Hoffman) is way ahead, it doesn't mean there is no one in second place...classic. Give that method of "scoring" a try in the Olympics - when Lindsey Vonn or Apolo Ohno, for example, have a particularly good race and have won handedly (which Hoffman surely is not, but that is not even the point), the Olympics should not award a silver medal to the guy who comes in second...all other peons should be relegated to bronze. Funny.
ReplyDeleteFor once Will gets it right. Both Owens and Obama are more sensible than Hoffman and Ron Paul. Nutjobs, both of 'em.
ReplyDeleteBuggs, I wouldn't be listing George Pataki as one of Hoffman's biggest supporters. He's not exactly a Conservative or well liked...
ReplyDeleteAlso, I have to ask whether any of those people you allege are supporting Hoffman have actually put it in writing yet? For 2010 I and Hoffman can spout off at the mouth all you like, but I don't believe that those kind of people would endorse a candidate before anyone has publicly first announced their candidacty.
Just my thinking...might want to tone it back a bit Buggs. I also agree that Ron Paul is a moron and shouldn't be considered a GOP Presidential nominee - that poll is disasterous.
This blog is hilarious! Buggs, you're a genius. Bdeep, bdeep,bdeep...that's all folks!
ReplyDeleteNo surprise from Barclay. He's just another pro-abortion big government rino who has voted for letring state and local government employees retire early (raising property taxes), wasteful pork projects like an Albany Convention Center, and anti-small business mesures like comparable worth. Worse, he's voted for these items in the middle of a recession.
ReplyDeleteWhat's that sucking sound? It's the sound of jobs leaving the area as a result of Barclay-supported anti-business legislation?
What's that oink oink sound? It's all the wasteful pork Barclay has supported.
The video at the end says it all. It is so funny that Barclay is Wile E Coyote. He thinks he is safe as he falls off the cliff... then up he goes... then back down... he moves the rock... then he crashes down and the rock he push lands on him... and that is how he lands into the depths of the 3rd tier of irrelevance with the rest of the looneys. I wonder how many people watched the video and though of Barclay going through those motions... it was really really funny. Good humor Buggs.
ReplyDeleteI loved the video. Not only did it remind me of my childhood, it reminded me of the childish nature of Will Barclay. Since we are not hunting wabbits, we might as well be watching wile E. do his thing. Unfortunately, it will not be quite so clean for Barclay. He can hope for redemption, but in the end, he will drop like an anvil falling off a cliff. So sorry. Doug wins again. It must be frustrating, Will.
ReplyDelete821 - oh please, Barclay is far from a RINO. And last time I checked Barclay is on record as being against Card Check - that's a pretty pro-business position.
ReplyDeleteHeeee he he heeee he heeeeeeee! I can't stop laughing! Too funny and yet so somberly appropriate!
ReplyDeleteHeeeee he he heeee hee! Too funny yet so somberly appropriate!
ReplyDeleteI can't stop laughing! Heeee hee he heeee! Too funny yet, so somberly appropriate! Buggs, you are a smart bunny!
ReplyDeleteBarclay and his supporters can keep pretending he's a conservative, but that doesn't make him one way.
ReplyDeleteActions speak louder than words, and Barclay's actions -more specifically his voting record- don't suggest a conservative philosophy.
I find it funny that an anonymous blog run by a person under the name "Buggs Bunny" is calling someone else a Loony Tune. Why on Earth do people pay any attention or give any credence to what you say?
ReplyDeleteThis blog goes dark for days on end...hmm...must be that Rob Ryan and Jim Kelly are traveling today. The bloom is off the rose gentlemen.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like Hoffman, Barclay, and Doheny have lined up major campain pro's to spin thier campains. How about a look at who has who, what key insiders are working for each and how much they are paying?
ReplyDeleteYou must be joking if you think the author(s) of this site are just traveling and that is why they aren't posting. This new blog has more content and updates then most any I've ever seen.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine that a general media consultant like Ryan would dedicate so much time and energy to such an endeavor. I could be wrong, but don't most of those types just collect a rather large pay checks and smile after setting up an interview or two every other week?
Anyone else miss iv?
ReplyDeleteI wonder which one (Donheny, Barclay, or old Dogout Doug - or Owens, to be fair) make a mad dash for ... : this
ReplyDeleteLobbyists Run Amuck
Intro: As everyone might know, I always run against big money (i.e., insider money, lobbying money, party money, PAC money, all kinds of money except from individuals who actually can vote for me) ... this the above article kinda puts that into perspective [again].
Extract Feb. 12 (Bloomberg)-- Feb 12, 2020 -- Lobbying in Washington escaped the U.S. economic meltdown last year as expenses grew by 5 percent to $3.47 billion, $170 million more than 2008, the Center for Responsive Politics reported. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce spent a record $144 million, becoming the first group to spend more than $100 million in a single year. Exxon Mobil Corp. was next with $27.4 million. In 2008, Irving, Texas-based Exxon Mobil spent $29 million, also second to the Chamber of Commerce, which spent $91.7 million that year.
I note: That comes out to about eight
lobbyists per member of congress ... and you thought it was 'representative government' didn't you?
All that money - no wonder I never won? LOL
I don't understand why people don't focus in this big outside money issue and join me?
ReplyDeleteLook at the #8 name on the list
To be fair, Mr. Owens has 290 PACs (nearly $300,000) but only about 5-6 are from the district. That is painful, too.