Thursday, March 4, 2010

Did Vaugh Plagiarize Doheny or did Doheny Plagiarize Vaugh?

File this post under the "you can't make this stuff up" bookmark because it is bizarre. Read the two statements below from Nick Vaugh, running for the 118th Assembly district, and Matt Doheny, running for the 23rd congressional seat held by Bill Owens, and then tell me someone isn't plagiarizing.

Nick Vaugh's Fundraising Appeal to Republicans Posted on on March 4, 2010:

"I owe my values and success to my family. My mother and father along with my grandfather taught me firsthand the dignity of hard work, the sanctity of family, and the value of service to the community. It is with these values that I seek your assistance in representing the citizens of the 118th Assembly District and the rest of New York. It is with these values and experience I will aggressively work to create an economic environment in which businesses and families can thrive."

Matt Doheny's Letter to Local Republican Committee Members Dated January 21, 2010:

"The value of hard work in the North Country, the sanctity of family and the importance of service to the community was passed down to Matt at a young age directly from his parents. It is these values and the values that he learned from his work in the private sector that Matt will use to represent the citizens of the 23rd Congressional District."

These two paragraphs sound like outright plagiarism to us. And it appears that either Vaugh and Doheny are brothers, or one of them copied the other's campaign materials. Notice the terms that are intimately woven into each candidate's perspective biographies, words like: values, hard work, sanctity of family and service to the community. This could create a major problem for each candidate and they need to be honest with the voters about their backgrounds instead of spouting off vague, cookie-cutter generalizations and near verbatim wording. The website Famous sums the seriousness of this political foul on their site:
"A proven accusation of plagiarism can have serious repercussions for a candidate's political ambitions. Just ask Joe Biden. His borrowing of a British politician's campaign speech is perhaps the most famous instance of political plagiarism... This P-word sums up a number of qualities with which no successful politician would want to be assocaited: in-authentic, shortsighted, manipulable (by speechwriters), dishonest, criminal, deceitful, and so on... And if the plagiarism charges stick, the accused is forever tainted, corrupted, and sullied with the justly deserved stigma surrounding such reprehensible behavior. Even if the speechwriter is the real culprit! ["Your speechwriter did it?--yeah, right."]"
And there is a precedent for plagiarism among North Country politicians that never goes over well. Remember when Darrel Aubertine plagiarized a bill that his colleague, State Senator Elizabeth Little, wrote last year? A few weeks after Little had submitted a bill in early 2009 to regulate block-voting rights among co-ops in the New York milk market, Aubertine introduced near similar language amending the state agriculture and markets law. In a classic response to Aubertine, Senator Little took to the floor of the State Senate and said Aubertine's bill was essentially something she could support because she had already introduced it (the video can be found at the end of this post in case you missed the exchange). You may also remember this second instance of plagiarism by Aubertine reported by the Gouverneur Times.

The reason why today's instance of political plagiarism is particularly offensive is because each candidate involved in this scandal used language to describe the values and character they inherited from each of their respective families. It is fine to talk about your core values on the campaign trail and in your written correspondence, but in doing so you should never resort to copying another politician's rhetoric. Beyond sounding unoriginal, it raises questions about one's ethics and personal competence. And to borrow unoriginal language about the values handed down to you by your parents is just lame and embarrassing.

Voters expect candidates to be open and honest about their backgrounds. And this violation raises larger questions for each candidate because it is a safe bet that neither Doheny nor Vaugh will want to be associated with Democratic State Senator Darrel Aubertine for plagiarizing. Will Vaugh and Doheny clear the air with a public statement, an explanation or an apology?


  1. Didn't Vaugh work for Doheny at one point? He was the one who probably wrote both of those paragraphs. Are these two candidates one and the same? They need to get original to stand out. Copying another candidate's writing is poor form.

  2. You must have nothing better to do than write ignorant comments about individuals that are much better than your boy Hoffman.

  3. Yes, Vaugh worked for Doheny last summer. My guess is it was Doheny's first and Vaugh "borrowed" the language. He is young and doesn't get it yet.

  4. It is interesting, but it is hardly "a scandal". The same thing happened in the presidential election.

  5. Those two paragraphs are virtually identical with a few semantic changes. That is plagiarism.
    Or 2+2 isn't 4 anymore.

    Vaugh's letter was written after Doheny's so I think he is the one who has to answer for it.

  6. What is happening to New York State politicians these days? Throw out the bums. All of them.

  7. hey coward blogger, get rid of your bum Hoffman.

  8. Wow - The Democrats must be laughing at their ability to pit Republicans against each other with this new platform.

  9. If you read this excerpts you notice that they are being in told in different points of view. I just don't see it buggs

  10. Here is an example of what not to do. It is a pretty poor start to what could have been a credible challenge to Addie Russell for the seat. Russell isn't that bad though so whatever.

  11. I just met Vaugh the other day. He definitly has my vote. He'll he's better than Hoffman.

  12. Throw all the bums out. Go Hoffman!


  13. Yeah, Joe Biden got caught plagerizing a British politicians's speech and look where it got him... a heart beat away from the presidency!

  14. Is there a copyright on working hard, service, community, and a love for one's family? You would think so with the actions of our politicians in Albany, but I don't believe these ideals are copyrighted and I think others should seek them as well.

  15. I think this creates a bigger opening for Barclay. Doheny should stick to the 48th State Senate seat where he belongs. Barclay is the sober candidate mainstream Republicans can all rally behind.

  16. Did it ever occur to any of you that may have the hired the same group to do thier PR?

  17. Blame it on speechwriter to evade responsibility? That's a pretty weak argument and I'm waiting to hear from the candidates themselves how this mix-up happened.

  18. You really only need to hear from Vaugh - his came out over a month later. Doheny is clean on this one. Not that it is a big deal anyway.

  19. Why would someone copy that paragraph from another candidate? Isn't that like Politics 101?

  20. Come on everyone - we can do better than Vaugh in the 118th.

  21. These guys are pathetic and losing credibility quickly. Plagiarizers are real bottom-feeders.

  22. It's not "really" plagiarism, it's just politics and there is a difference. American playwright George Bernard Shaw once said, "Immature poets immitate, mature poets steal." In politics, you say what you have to say to get elected, then you do what the lobbyists say to stay in office.

  23. 10:24 - WHY PLURAL? Why is the one who was copied considered pathetic and losing credibility? Doheny published the words in January. Why is HE pathetic if Vaugh copied him in March? Talk about blaming the victim. Don't be so stupid.

  24. 10:24 I agree these guys that come in here to pile on Doheny have an ax to grind. They sound like part of the problem in politics today. While they think they are bringing people down they themselves sink lower.

  25. Get real... anyone who has been inside know's this is just a bunch of high priced PR coming out of Albany and DC. Of course it will sound the same. Not one thing is "real" it all a bunch of Rove wantabee's putting words out to get someone elected. This time one of them screwed up and used the same basic line to close to another. In PR campains there is nothing really new, just fresh spins on old saying's

  26. Nick Vaugh= a joke!

    Fortunately, Northern New York has a real candidate for this position, rumor has it he will announce sometime in the upcoming months. Did I mention, unlike nicky, HE HAS A JOB!

  27. Too bad for Hoffman, he doesn't have a chance!

  28. Vaugh and Doheny have been associated in many ways before.. Vaugh skipped some council meetings last year to help Dohenny then lied about why he missed them.. Council considered kicking him off becuase of his deriliction of his duties.. Vaugh assuradly is the one that copied the letter. He has nothing to say ever unless its prepared by someone.. To sum this guy up as a resident of Ogd. He is a fraud....

  29. Read last nights ogd Journal.. Vaugh voted against funding for the lobbying group for the four lane hwy in ST. Lawrence County.. He and Nelson want to take credit for anything good but no real support for these things. Why wasnt the city atty there to make comments and be asked qwuestions if he didnt think it was a good idea.. The Nelson Vaugh team in Ogdbrg is part of the problem with the city up here they certainly are not part of any solution. I dont understand this powers guy either. Nelson had no control over him for a couple of years but now seems to own him..

  30. Doheny is a sincere guy by all appearances however Vaugh is a grandstander. He has been three years on council and accomplished nothing substantial except try to use the post to better himself. Look closely at his voting record and ask why would he ever critize Russell for her voting. Rest assured neither wrote their own letters

  31. Got up this AM and read in the Journal that Oberg is the highest tax exempt city in NY.. 26 percent of the people there pay 199 percent of the taxes.. This is what i have said before. Nick Vaugh sits like a puppett for Mayor Nelson and the GOP in the council. He cannot think independantly on issues. He is part of the problem with Oberg and not partof any solution. He made multible promises three years ago in order to get elected but has kept very few if any of them. How could anyone expect him to bring new ideas to Albany when he obviously has none. He runs down his opponet almost weekly at times however his voting record in council is horrible to be kind about it. Even during council meetings he makes political staements that are written for him by someone else. As someone else stated earlier both Doheny and Vaugh have the same group preparing statements and filling them in on issues.. I want canidates that at least give an appearance of being able to think independantly. Nick Vaugh is not one of these canidates....

  32. I did read the Journal and it is true that Vaugh voted against funding for the advancement of the fourlane hwy. This is economically critical for the entire North Country and I cant believe that three Ogdenburg Officials voted against it. He, the Mayor and another councilor voted against it..I remember when they took an outrageous amount of money and renovated a old building in Ogd. and then went into competition with local landlords for tenants and this was OK> By the way the landlords won and got the tenants and the citys money lays vacant yet. Now theywant to spend close to half million dollars to replace a perfectly good road and put a burden on people wanting to park near their greenbelt and this is OK. But they dont support any advanced effort for the four lane hwy... Vote for these people and get what you deserve. By the way I write my own speaches and live by my own principals and my spelling can be horrible so if whoever writes Vaughs and Dohenys speaches can help me I would appreciate it.

  33. Addie..Vaugh is coming for You!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. If Vaugh is all Russell has to worry about she wont even have to campaign this year.. Yeh he voted against promoting the hwy. Where in the hell is his head.They spend money galore for other organizations like Chamber of Commerce the Reinactment people the seaway festiva etc.. This is to promote and help with the four lane hwy which will benefit Ogdensburg more than anyone else in St. Law County..Has anyone seen him helping with the prison thing in Oberg.. Ive seen alot of people with speaches and comments where is he.. He runs to Albany with the represenatives pays his own way and then does what. I think hes kissing butt down there looking support from anyone that will see him for a minuteand hes not down there for what he is supposed to be If this is the best the GOP can give us in SLC then I,ll be voting Donkey this year for sure

  35. Perhaps someone should contact Nick's professors at Clarkson...Let them know they need to double check every written assignment of his.

  36. What has any donkey done for us up here in the North Country??? Not a thing! Anybody is better than Darrel & Addie!

  37. 940 You are somewhat correct about Russell she can be beat but give me a break with Vaugh. What could he possibly accomplish in Albany except parrot for the GOP minority or majority it wouldnt matter. He is non effective as a politician. His three years performance on Ogberg city council with a 5-2 majority has proven that.GOP needs a real canidate for the 118th. If they do I,ll most likely vote that way..
