Monday, March 8, 2010

Hoffman Shows His Cards

Posted at the top of is a link showing Doug Hoffman now in the race for NY-23. That would make Hoffman the first Republican in NY-23 to actually quit dancing around the district, testing the water temperature with just his toes. And to highlight his independent streak, Hoffman comes out of the gate as a uniter seeking three different political lines. It appears that the congressional hopeful is taking the gloves off and wants to show people he is serious. It is a bold move to be the first candidate to enter these rough political waters and by going first, it shows that Hoffman really wants it.

However, the big question remains as to whether the GOP establishment will be amendable to accepting Doug Hoffman as their Republican nominee. He is now putting himself out there, asking for their support and has put all of his cards down on the table. And by the looks of things Hoffman isn't bluffing. He has a good hand of cards and a groundswell of Republican, Conservative and Independent grassroots voters backing him. But insiders believe the GOP County Chairs in NY-23, who picked Dede Scozzafava last year, are apprehensive about giving this political newcomer, who won over 46% of the district buried on line D last year, a chance on their ballot.

Now as Kenny Rogers would say, "for a taste of your whiskey I will give some advice..."and this advice is for the 11 Republican county chairs to seriously consider: How will you feel if your leadership provokes a messy and fractured Republican primary that agitates the competition so much that it allows Bill Owens to win in November? And how will the county chairs feel if the Republican Party misses taking back the majority of the US House of Representatives by one Republican vote because of a loss in NY-23? The advice I give to you is simply the moto that Kenny Rogers gives to all of us in life: "You've got to know when to hold 'em, you've got to know when the fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run. You never count your money when your sitting at the table. There will be time enough for counting, when the dealings done."

And there is an old proverb that politics knows no humility. But maybe that is the characteristic most needed in our political conversation as we move closer to the 2010 elections. Maybe if we look for humility instead of looking at people as problems, we will be successful as Republicans. Maybe if we look to the future instead of the past, we can find hope again. Maybe if we look through the rhetoric and the spin, we will find true leadership. Doug Hoffman is clearly looking to unite a movement that could change the course of politics throughout NY-23 all the way down the ballot to the most local of races for the Republican Party. He deserves that opportunity and he deserves the chance to earn our respect and our vote. Lets give him that benefit at the outset.

He proved something to Mayor Graham today. Just a few weeks ago Mayor Graham of the great City of Watertown said that the first candidate to show he had the guts to get into the mix would gain an advantage locally because people want to see passion instead of political posturing. Doug can now say he took Mayor Graham up on that challenge. While there is no doubt that other credible and worthy challengers will emerge in this contest for the Republican nomination soon, it is well known that to build a winning coalition in the expansive and rural 23rd, it takes time, money and hard work to earn the people's trust. Hoffman is first out of the gate and he even has a new website.

In addition, this week seems like this is a good week to make the formal announcement considering a recent New York poll showed most New Yorkers are ashamed of the recent political scandals that have rocked our state. It is a swipe at incumbency and the old style business of politics. No one wants to see how the sausage is made, but we are seeing everything out in the open recently.

According to the poll, "Seventy percent of voters agreed that New York has never been more dysfunctional, and by a 54% to 41% margin, voters also say that what's going on in Albany makes them "embarrassed" to call themselves New Yorkers." Add that poll to a list of political grassroots frustration emerging from the Paterson and Massa scandals, and dissatisfaction with federal spending and the health care push-through happening in Washington, and you can see the potential for a populist uprising in support of a candidate like Hoffman.

Stepping forward with a strong economic message may be good politics, but going first also has its clear disadvantages. Watch for competing campaigns to come out swinging. But landing a solid punch could prove difficult for any would-be competitor, especially at this early juncture. Hoffman has his cards down on the table and now it is time for the rest of competition to show their cards. They have got to know when to hold em and know when to fold em, when to walk away, and know when to run. The money is on the table. Who is in this game to win it?


  1. Time the mud to fly. You can bet the PR crew of Wee Willy and Doheny will be cranking it up.

    This is good as Doug will be tested in the next few weeks if he comes out of it standing it will prep him for the mud the Dem's will heap on him this fall.

    If he fails it also best to know before he pulls a Dede

  2. This site would be taken more seriously if it was not a paid Hoffman staffer.

  3. OMG, Is it really true that Hoffman doesn't even live in the district?

  4. Go Hoffman. I am tired of some people trying to tear down this guy for standing up for what he really believes in. The more I see attacks on him the more I want to support him.

    Hoffman grew up in the district, has an accounting firm with multiple offices in the district as well as other important ties here. But all of that is irrelevant because he has the best message of returning our state back to fiscal and economic sanity. Good luck to you Mr. Hoffman.

  5. Good for Hoffman. I am in the anyone but Doheny camp myself. This Wall Street, free-wheelin' banker-lawyer will get eaten alive by Owens and the Democrats. He tries too hard to play the part of one of us North Country locals, but fails miserably. If Republicans want to win they need to stick with Hoffman or Barclay.

  6. I agree. Hoffman or Barclay are best fit to win against Owens. Lets go with one of them and keep the primary clean. We don't have time for games this year. We need to clean up our state and federal governments.

  7. Get off your knees, Buggs, or start calling this "The Hoffman Blog".

  8. And you definitely showed your hand with this post.

    Anyway, Hoffman is reacting to an anticipated announcement from Barclay AND Jeff Graham saying someone should announce. Anyone who reacts to Jeff Graham should be seriously questioned. Who cares if Graham thinks someone should announce? Is Hoffman going to promote nudity and booze next?

  9. 8:04; Matt was born, raised and grew up in our district. After lots of education and some business he brought his hard work and earnings back to our district and invested in business and property in the district. I see nothing free about that. "Banker-lawyer" only shows how much smarter and how much more business sense he has than any other candidate.

  10. Why does Hoffman attack Matt Doheny, but only because he knows Matt Doheny is the better man? Look forward to the public debates.

  11. Hoffman hasn't attacked anyone. Get real and grow up.

  12. Hoffman and Wee Willy Barclay have something in common. The Democrats have roundly kicked both their arses and will do so again. Don't know too much about Doheny but he is definitely not one of us. Bring it on boys, Bill Owens will be our Congressman for many years to come.

  13. Definitely a Hoffman shill - this website is. Won't even accept an unflattering post about your boy Doug.

  14. Barclay, another country club RINO!

  15. 4:32pm - the statement that Owens will be our congressman "for a long time"...who knows, but you can't really think he will still be in office after the redistricting (assuming he gets elected, which if Doheny is nominated I think Doheny could actually win the seat back) - no matter how it pans out.

  16. Here's what I sense from all the comments about this race so far -- my new acronym: IBDARWD "Issues Be Damned, Any Republican Will Do."

    One would think, logically, that the best person/Rep./or Sen. would matter the most; not party label per se. But, I guess not?

  17. Hey Danny,

    Quick English lesson for you. Acronym - a WORD FORMED from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words.

    IBDARWD is not a word, try again!

  18. Hoffman:Honesty -the ultimate antonym

  19. Anonymous: You are not only half-assed, but also half wrong.

    Now the rest of the story ... (which you neglected to show):

    Acronym : a word (like NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term;

    But, also : an abbreviation (as FBI, IBM, NATO, GOP, et al).

    BTW, you can find over 900,000 click here

    But, thanks for playing, "Trying to get you."

    So how do you pronounce FBI - keep at it; you might succeed ...
