Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Matt Doheny Uses Scozzafava's Insider Tactics and Buys Supporters

If you thought the backroom deals and insider political maneuvers that were exposed in the aftermath of the NY-23 GOP Special Election last summer were over, think again!

The Republican Party has just launched another major offensive against the Conservative-Republican candidate, Doug Hoffman, in retaliation for his entering the NY-23 congressional race last fall as an alternative candidate to liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava and Democrat Bill Owens. Tonight, just days after George Joseph resigned from his position as Chairman of the Oneida County Republican Party, the local Republican party quickly organized a Monday night meeting to offer its endorsement to rival candidate Matt Doheny. The county endorsement is perplexing to those who will remember that Hoffman ran up the score in Oneida County with 3,225 votes to Owens' 2,243 and Scozzafava's paltry 459. But apparently the Oneida Republicans want to give it away in exchange for something else.

And so again, it appears the fix may in with the establishment good old boys club in NY-23. The news came to us from a local Republican activist who just called and said he heard that the whole meeting was set without even giving Doug Hoffman a hearing, and that he overheard a conversation where it was discussed how Hoffman was purposely not even invited or made aware of the meeting with the county committee so he wouldn’t be able to make his case to the members.

The local activist went on to say that, "the endorsement proceedings I just witnessed over here in Oneida County were the least transparent I have ever seen on the local level. I knew that backroom deals and shady political operations like this existed, but never have I seen something quite like this happen within our own committee. The whole affair tonight wasn't even an honest attempt to be fair. What were the local Republican leaders thinking? It was like some of them were acting like Democrats trying to write a health care bill behind closed doors in the dead of night. Why were the local county officials so afraid of inviting Doug Hoffman so he could make his case? There is obviously something else behind the endorsement that people didn’t know about yet, and it has got to be exposed."

In fairness, the Oneida County Republican insiders weren’t the first Republican leaders to prematurely throw their hat in Doheny’s corner. Just this past week, right as Doheny officially announced his candidacy, he took the endorsements of three other county chairmen in the district, Ron Jackson of Essex County, Donald Lee of Clinton County, and Donald Coon of Jefferson County, who were part of the Scozzafava crowning last fall.

And the local ring-leader of the 2009 Special Election Circus, James Ellis of Franklin County who set up the process for Scozzafava's victory last summer, just so happens to be publicly supporting a registered Democrat, Steve Levy, for the New York Gubernatorial race. Ellis is always doing his best to throw Hoffman under the bus each and every chance he gets near a reporter. So it is clear there is an organized effort by the county Republican leadership to block Hoffman organizationally and in the media.

The public support of inside party leaders is a function of at least two things that we can identify at the moment: 1) a resentment of conservatism in general and Doug Hoffman in particular, a man who utterly embarrassed and exposed the shady backroom dealings of the local Republican establishment, and 2) money.

Not only have Republican leaders been looking for an alternative to Hoffman in 2010, but they have now found an alternative who is willing and able to float large checks to local candidates and party leaders in exchange for public support. Public records show that Doheny has written nearly $30,000 in checks to county chairs, local elected officials, and the state party to gain influence and early momentum in his bid to beat Hoffman for the Republican nomination.

Another source told me that, "Doheny is willing to hand out money to anyone who is willing to help him, a sort of political quid pro quo. He likes to give money to candidate he thinks will help him down the line. And by looking at his records it shows he doesn't have any principles. Why else would he give Dede Scozzafava $2,400 for her election bid?" In other words, some are making the subtle claim that Doheny is aiming to win a congressional seat the old fashioned way – he is going to buy his seat.

But there are clear disadvantages to running a campaign on the inside lane. First off, the local Republican Party has failed miserably to win the 48th State Senate seat and the 118th Assembly seat. And the Oneida County Coup tonight is really a stunning example of what voters rejected last year and what helped propel Doug Hoffman into the national conservative spotlight. For a local county party like Oneida's, that can only boast nearly 7,000 Republican voters, to quickly circle the wagons make a public endorsement on behalf of all its members for Doheny's campaign shows a remarkable ability to throw the rules out the window and forget their 2009 debacle.

For those political animals who want to look to the history books on how we ended up with Scozzafava it started the same way. One report of the cussed up nomination process last year stated that it was, “orchestrated by two powerful liberal members of the local Republican Party organization, and was aided and abetted by several politically inexperienced local county leaders who failed to grasp the tactical significance of shunning the Conservative Party and did not fully understand the details of their nominee’s record, or her potential vulnerabilities…”

Unfortunately, those who forget history are often times bound to repeat it. And this post is just barely scratching the surface on how some local Republican leaders in NY-23 are up to their old antics again this year. The real significance of the Oneida County Coup is that now voters and Republican party activists are willing to speak out against the county leaders who got us into this similar mess with Scozzafava in 2009. And I’m being told that those Republican activists are not willing to go down without making a stink about the sausage making factories that are the local Republican County Committees. These kinds of strong arm tactics and secret endorsement meetings are not the way for Republicans to win elections in 2010.


  1. Same game same people, I have heard from many insiders they would never back Doug after what "he did" to Dede. This is the best thing for Doug he can run as the outsider in the year of the outsider. Matt is old way of doing things sread money and promises and help only your Wall Street pals why the rest of us get crumbs.

  2. I do so wish that the politicians would realize that the people are tired of the politics as usual. I quit the republican party because of this. I WILL be voting against them this NOV. It's sad that they can't understand that this country needs a new direction.

  3. Simmons, that is nothing but a bunch of lies. Hoffman now doesn't have a chance. Doheney is gaining lots of mojo plus he's honest and straight forward. Like he has controll of all those republicans. Be real! Like he can or would buy all those republicans. Be realer!

  4. Now that is some funny stuff- your bit takes the conservative nod wihout any county getting a say- not one. And now you want to whine about the entire committee in Oneida County voting, yes VOTING to endorse?

    In your "poll" you extolled your candidate as the only one the voters knew- so why the big angst about not getting a "hearing?"

    The real deal is this- you're not running against Dede this year. You are going to have to work for it, and more lies about "back room deals" isn't going to do the trick.

    But your guy is a one-trick pony.

    By the way- I assume your complaints about money is a precurser to a paltry filing.

  5. Yah you can see from the links that direct you to the money line. Doheny gave out thousands of dollars to county committee heads. His whole campaign is organized like the mob, not a political operation.


  7. I find it so funny that you are criticizing the county chairs for not allowing Hoffman to "make his case" (who by the way, had the entire 2009 election to make his case, but obviously did not impress them), yet you are perfectly comfortable with Mike Long not only endorsing Hoffman, but actually putting him on the ballot before Doheny had even entered the race - obviously, Doheny wasn't able to "make his case" to the Conservative Party but even worse the party didn't even give their own member a chance to vote on it. That, my friend, is ridiculous, and all you and your Hoffman supporters are seeing now is the backlash of the Hoffman team telling voters that their vote doesn't count. Welcome aboard. Mike Long made a horrible decision by essentially single handedly declaring Hoffman to be on the ballot and Hoffman made the mistake of threatening to be a spoiler if the GOP didn't nominate him too. That is truly a "strong arm tactic" (and now it seems clear that that strategy is failing). Cry all you want about not getting the endorsements from the county chairs, but honestly, what did you expect? The Hoffman campaign seems to think they are entitled to everything. Sorry boys. You seem to be losing to your "third tier" candidate.

    As for the donation to Dede last year, Doheny publicly announced that he would support whatever candidate the GOP chose to nominate and he did just that. That is called putting your money where your mouth is. Hoffman promised the same thing, but obviously a promise from Hoffman is about as valuable as the Charmin in my bathroom.

  8. It just goes to show that Doheny will do or say or pay anything to anyone to get elected. Here is a guy who lacks political courage and principles. He gave money to Scozzafava to help her further her left-wing ideology in the US Congress! Who could support her with $2400 none-the-less?

  9. Pretty simple- one candidate keeps his word, one doesn't. Everybody understands that, Buggsy!

  10. Elections are a gamble and no one has a crystal ball to know how a Hoffman versus Owens election would turn out. Oh wait, didn't those two already face each other in a head to head election less than 6 months ago? Right, and Hoffman lost. That is the closest thing to having a crystal ball when it comes to an election and it does not bode well for Hoffman.

    Perhaps the Republican Party County Chairs just want to back a candidate who can actually win (or if nothing, has not already proven to be a loser to the same candidate). Why have a rerun of last year? We already know how that story ends.

  11. I realize this is just a blog from a Hoffman supporter and I can not assume he/she is affiliated with Hoffman's campaign, but I am so tired of Hoffman and his people complaining and making excuses and accusations when things don't go their way. What's next? Is Doheny going to get accused of slashing Hoffman's tires to keep him off the campaign trail? Oh no wait, Hoffman used that one last year, he'll have to come up with something new this time.

  12. Buggs, are you actually a Doug Hoffman supporter? I would doubt, as you have done, the Hoffman campaign would criticize and attack the leaders of the party from which he is seeking its nomination. All you did was outline childish excuses the Hoffman campaign could use when he loses the Republican nomination.

  13. "Hoffman ran up the score in Oneida County with 3,225 votes to Owens' 2,243 and Scozzafava's paltry 459."

    It's only called running up the score if you actually win, Buggs. Sour grapes much?

  14. I think that all of the GOP chairs are actually ACORN activists. Right now they are conspiring to fix the machines- bwahahahahHah!

  15. Congrats to Matt Doheny on picking up the Oneida County support! At least one county committee will not be bullied by the Hoffman campaign's threats to nominate Doug or else face a three way battle in the general election.

  16. Buggs to date one Conservative Party leader living on Long Island has made his choice. Your whole blog has a stench of hypocrisy.

  17. {chuckle} 3of the 4 county chairs you cited as being part of the group that chose Dede were not the chairs last year. Just another example of team Hoffman not doing their homework. Or is it another case of disregard for the truth?

    Either way, it explains Hoffmans lack of success.

  18. Wow, even this ultra pro-Hoffman blog is getting flooded with anti-Hoffman comments. Alas, the voters are saying they have had enough of him! I couldn't be happier.

  19. It's the blogs disreguard for the truth. You All remember that when u read stuff written on this site. Honesty and Accuracy are not a priority here for sure.

  20. Someone please do your research - Doheny is paying former NYS Director of USDA Rural Development Patrick Brennan big bucks to deliver the southern end of the district. Brennan was let go when Obama took over and hasn't had a real job, well...ever probably.

    Brennan lives OUTSIDE the district and is a county legislator in Waterville, ONEIDA COUNTY - http://ocgov.net/leg#Patrick_H._Brennan__R-3

    He went around handing out the big checks of OUR money to these idiotic developers - wonder if he ever gave any money for WIND FARM DEVELOPMENT?!?!?!?!?! Maybe that's why Doheny hasn't come out publicly against the Lake Ontario Wind Farms...

    Anyway, I'm sure that's how Doheny was able to snatch up the Oneida County endorsement - folks, its really not that difficult if you just do some research and pay attention.

  21. The best the supporters of Mr. Wall Street Banker-Lawyer can do is cry foul and portend this blog is all hearsay. But, is it not true that Doheny has given an unusual amount of money to county chairs and candidates? The public record is obvious on that point.

    Is it not true that Doheny worked and lived in NYC for over a decade outsourcing our jobs to foreign corporations? Is it not true Democrats will have a field day beating up a Wall Street Banker-Lawyer from New York City? How much will Doheny give Frank McKay and the Independence Party to be on their line? How will Doheny describe his $2,400 donation to Dede Scozzafava? Say it ain't so Joe.

  22. Bre'r Bugs (and most GOP) Bunnies sez:

    "Hang us ez high as you please, but do fer de Lord's sake don't fling us in dat dare brier-patch."

  23. "Is it not true that Doheny worked and lived in NYC for over a decade outsourcing our jobs to foreign corporations?" - what are you talking about? What does anything in Matt Doheny's background have to do with outsourcing jobs to foreign corporations? Jeez, the random, baseless accusations by the Hoffman campaign and his supporters are getting stranger and stranger. That one doesn't even make any sense. I guess now that they feel the ship sinking they are grasping at anything to try to stay afloat. It's actually entertaining. Keep it coming boys. This is fun (embarrassing for you, but fun for the rest of us).

  24. Despite the election, Scozzafava still had 20% of the electorate going into the final three days. That percentage might mean something to Doheney in a General.

  25. This type of blog is what makes most people sick of politics. My belief is meet all of the candidates, listen to each of them and make your own choices. People who do these blogs are usually ignorant of the facts or they are just trying to brainwash the people. Keep this in mind when reading these blogs and watching the commercials. Please, the only way you can make an educated choice is if YOU get out and meet the candidates-then make YOUR choice.

  26. Now that is funny- you Hoffmanites want to go after Doheny because of Patrick Brennan who was "let go when Obama took over" huh?

    Are you that stupid, or do you just think the voters are?

    Patriick lives in a county that is in the district. Where are the new Hoffman hires from? Not even from New York State!

    You clowns have nothing of substance to say. All you can do is bash Doheny, but I'll tell you this- when Doheny is out talking to people, he doesn't even mention Hoffman. It's about the people of the district. (which, by the way, Hoffman is still not one of)

    If the GOP endorsements are so unimportant, why do you care to comment on them?

  27. Doheny has only been pumping money in to the district parties since last fall. He wants the seat badly and will do anything to get it. Doug has been in the area for years and has raised not only his family, but businesses that bring a lot of prosperity to the region. What has Doheny done other than fund the local Republican parties? He's their New Scozzafava!!

    As for "fair and accurate blog", they have the sources in the material. All you need to do is look and see all the money that Doheny has given.

  28. Yeah, this blog is biased. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Doheny has been buying his way into the nomination. Just follow the links.

    Doug isn't attacking Doheny. Doheny is just getting himself into trouble.

  29. New York Republicans appear to have a death wish.


  30. Doheny actually organized and funded a hockey goalie camp for kids in Alex Bay. My son went a few years ago. Fully paid for by Doheny. I am not even sure if all of the parents knew where the money was coming from - he did it for the kids not for the recognition. That is true character and for that alone the guy has my vote.

  31. The statement that the Oneida County GOP "quickly called a Monday meeting" is false. That meeting was scheduled months ago because it was on my calendar months ago. Nothing too quick about that

  32. 9:10pm - nothing on this blog ever seems to be based in facts. It is the National Enquirer of northern NY politics. The blog has become a joke among most people I know. It is one thing to have a preference for a political candidate and write about it but it is something entirely different when the words you write are complete fiction.

  33. I live in Florida and donated to Doug Hoffman in his run against Owens. I have since been watching what is going on there and wonder about the Republican Committe in Oneida County. After Dede you would thing that they would have learned a lesson, or maybe they have alternative motives. Who runs this GOP (in name only) Committee anyway? Something is fishy....

  34. Doug "WAS" my guy too, until his behavior after the race last year. How quickly we forget.

  35. Florida-

    Hoffman isn't running against Scozzafava. He's running against a smart, energetic conservative Republican who actually lives in the district. Hoffmans opponent has simply out- worked him.

    Now Hoffman is up to his old tricks of painting his opponent as a liberal, when nothing could be farther from the truth.

    You need to undestand- it's not 2009. New year new race.
